Papua Pingo - Medallion Series - Tiki Mug by Ken Ruzic

Product image 1Papua Pingo - Medallion Series - Tiki Mug by Ken Ruzic
Product image 2Papua Pingo - Medallion Series - Tiki Mug by Ken Ruzic
Product image 3Papua Pingo - Medallion Series - Tiki Mug by Ken Ruzic
Product image 4Papua Pingo - Medallion Series - Tiki Mug by Ken Ruzic
Product image 5Papua Pingo - Medallion Series - Tiki Mug by Ken Ruzic
Product image 6Papua Pingo - Medallion Series - Tiki Mug by Ken Ruzic
Product image 7Papua Pingo - Medallion Series - Tiki Mug by Ken Ruzic
Product image 8Papua Pingo - Medallion Series - Tiki Mug by Ken Ruzic
Product image 9Papua Pingo - Medallion Series - Tiki Mug by Ken Ruzic
Product image 10Papua Pingo - Medallion Series - Tiki Mug by Ken Ruzic

Regular price $40.00

Introducing “Papua Pingo”, designed by Ken Ruzic.

How many of you remember the relatively rare, with some approaching-vintage Tiki Farm mugs that were relatively simple in shape and adorned with great “medallion-style” (that’s our working name for them) bas relief Tikis or other Tiki-relevant embellishments?.  There’s our Solomon’s Island Tiki mug, our Tonga Room Signature Tiki mug, our U’I Lani by Mookie Sato and more.  I would estimate about a dozen or so in total if we dug in deep into our history.

I absolutely dig those mugs! 

Here is our Tiki Farm latest release and our first in a series of tributes to those mugs of days gone past as part of our all-new “Medallion Series”!  “Papua Pingo”, the first in the series, is designed by Ken “Little Lost Tiki” Ruzic, one of our well-established, decades-old contributing artists.  Featuring a rope framed-medallion front featuring a close-up of Papua Pingo, with a full-bodied raised bas relief version on the back, what a wonderful, classic and elegant mug.  Hey folks, it’s easy to drink from and clean, too!  What a concept!

The glaze is intentionally distressed with rich emerald and golden brown hues along with “vintage eggshell” tones (including the interior) for a classic look and feel.  

Papua Pingo measures 7 ¼” in height and has a 16 fluid ounce capacity.

This mug design is © copyright 2024-2025 Ken Ruzic and Tiki Farm -No part of the design may be reproduced or copied without express written permission of Tiki Farm. 

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